FY21 Continuation Budget Comment Forum

FY 21 Continuation Budget Recommendation

The FY21 Continuation Operating Budget proposal document is available for view and comment. View the proposal document. Please email BFP@wwu.edu  with any questions.

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Graduate tuition

Related to this section: "Tuition rates for nonresident undergraduate (NRUG), resident graduate (RG), and nonresident graduate (NRG) students are set by the Board of Trustees after analyses of market constraints of supply and demand and comparison costing with our peers. The fiscal year 2021 budget plan approved through the biennial budget process had included a 5.0 and 4.5 percent increase in these categories, respectively. We recommend interrupting the previously adopted plan on non-resident tuition due to the coronavirus, setting it at the lower 2.5 percent increase level required to fund the approved budget." I understand that the BOT sets graduate tuition, but I don't see an analog recommendation to lower the percentage increase like the nonresident undergraduate recommendation. I would recommend that graduate tuition also be increased by a smaller percentage than was previously submitted since our grad students are also facing financial difficulties with the current pandemic situation.


Thank you for your comment! Originally the higher percentages were proposed, but we are now proposing a 2.5% increase for all student types including graduate students.